Thursday, July 10, 2014



I am a librarian (for most purposes) from Houston, Texas. I recently switched jobs, and had to leave behind a book review blog I'd maintained for many years. While I still read a lot, I've lost the outlet of book blogging, and plan to use this blog, the Library Ogre, to get back to that.

I read a lot of fantasy and science fiction, and recently have been reading a lot of books about secularism, and make occasional forays into history and science. I have a deep love of comic books, so if I ever catch up with my read stack (which is now a shortbox of comics to read), there'll likely be more than a few reviews.

I try to refer back to previous posts, and I'm open to suggestions of what to read, so if you've got a book I need to read (whether it's yours or someone else's), shoot me a line; if I can get it from the library (or it intrigues me enough to buy), I'll add it to the list.

-The Library Ogre

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